
Re:Verse reading–Revelation 1 (day three)

“In his right hand he held seven stars.”  The degenerating analytical ability of the sin-compromised human mind has offered two hypotheticals: The universe is devoid of a good person at its center, or, we cannot know whether there is a good person at the universe’s center.  Various forms of despair arise from these two postulates, and so we’ve got the world that we’ve got.  Only when you live from the reality that “in him all things hold together” will your life–and communities and civilizations built on that revelation–take on the resilience that resists decay.  How can you start living in such a way?  You can trust Christ in the stuff of life: You won’t die if you forgive; your boss is not the arbiter of your future; and so on.  You are at God’s mercy, not the universe’s.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

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