Re:Verse reading–Matthew 26:36-46 (day seven)
“Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”–v 41.
I am a mixed bag. A contradiction. We all are. It explains a lot.
Made in God’s image, my inner man sincerely holds the highest of all aspirations. As Jesus said of His disciples, “the Spirit (my spirit, His Spirit within me) is willing”. . .to serve, to accomplish, to wait, to suffer, to persevere, to love. In my “inner man” I joyfully concur with the law of God. (Romans 7:22)
But, and this is equally true, I am also weak. Without strength or self-discipline or endurance. My own worst enemy. A walking spiritual collision!
The solution is two-fold says the Savior. Watch! Appreciate the danger. Never trust yourself. Pray! Ask God for His daily help and wisdom and power.
Tender mercy! God provides for people like us who are both willing and weak.
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