Re:Verse reading–Matthew 26:36-46 (day five)
I have heard and often quoted the phrase, “The goal of the Christian life is progress, not perfection”. This mindset encourages me to continue learning, growing, following, and seeking after the Lord. It often creates patience in me as I wait for guidance and answers. This week I noticed “progress” in Jesus’ prayers in the garden as He prayed and processed the decision and commitment to do the Lord’s will. His first prayer (v. 39) was to ask or petition that there be another way. Yet He was absolutely surrendered to do God’s will. His second prayer (v.42) shows progress. Notice how His perspective changes. Jesus indicates a growing awareness that the only way for the cup to pass, is for Him to drink it. And His determination to do God’s will has not changed.
Do our prayers and actions demonstrate progress? Do we look and listen for God to show us where progress can be found and made in our efforts and desire to do God’s will?
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