Re:Verse reading–Daniel 3:1-2, 8-18, 25-29 (day four)
One of my favorite things about camping is sitting around the campfire at night. Roasting marshmallows…gazing at the stars…fellowshipping with friends and family. The one downside to the campfire is that all your clothes come back smelling like smoke…there is no avoiding it. Verse 27 says Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, not only were not burned alive, but their clothes did not even smell like smoke.
Isn’t that just like God? My first reaction if I faced a situation like this would probably have been, “Lord, save me!” These men sought first the glory of God! Their relationship with God was already settled. He was in control of their lives as well as the world and circumstances around them. God went far beyond what would have been my initial, feeble cry. Not only did He save them, but their clothes were not burned and they didn’t even smell like smoke. God’s glory was demonstrated to an entire nation. Maybe I need to enlarge my vision of who God is!
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