Re: Verse reading–Numbers 13:26-33; 14:1-9 (day four)
Verse 14:4 – “Let us appoint a leader and return to Egypt.” It was a bad report from a majority of the spies. They were afraid…the cities were big, the walls were heavily fortified, and the people were giants. Their eyes were on the wrong things. Caleb and Joshua had their eyes upon the Lord. They recognized that the Lord had removed His protection from these people. Man-made fortifications were of no consequence, apart from the hand of God. It was God who had sent the Israelites to the Promise Land and covenanted with them to give them the land. Now, the Israelites wanted to be in control…notice in verse 4 they said “let us…”. They wanted to determine their own destiny…not to follow the Lord’s direction.
Caleb and Joshua also recognized that a prerequisite for God’s provision was that He was pleased with them (v. 8). “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6) Caleb and Joshua knew it…we know it…what choice do we make?
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