Still curious?

RE Verse reading–Exodus 3:7-15; 4:1-17 (day seven)

“When God saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush.”–3:4

It isn’t really a virtue, but almost.  Curiosity.  Interest.  Hunger for something that you haven’t yet found. The ability to dream again despite all disappointments.

The Bible says that God watched for it in Moses. Waited to see what he (Moses) would choose.

Maybe he was tempted to just walk on by.  Once burned, twice shy.   Why does it matter? Life is over for me anyway.  Or, maybe he identified with the bush.  Saw his own story in it. In the fire, but not destroyed.  Resilient.  Humbled but still hopeful.

Henry Blackaby talks about the “crisis of belief”.  That moment when what you thought would happen didn’t.  The answer you thought would come doesn’t.  What then?  Will you survive that moment?  Will your faith?

After all the bumps and delays, are you still curious?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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