Re:Verse reading–Judges 6:1-2, 11-28, 36-40 (day seven)
“The sons of Israel made for themselves dens in the mountains and caves and strongholds.”–v 2.
NOT what God had in mind for His people! Playing defense. Off balance. Anxious and afraid, struggling to just “get by”. A losing season. Several in a row, actually.
The explanation lay in their relationship with God. They were unaware, probably. (We all have remarkable skills in rationalizing our actions and their consequences.) Painful to hear and absorb the prophet’s words in v 10. “You have not OBEYED me.” YOU have not obeyed me. You have not obeyed ME.
Hard for us to hear it, too. We blame our circumstances on fate or God or the choices of others. But it isn’t true. Ever! When we are without power, weak and defeated, grumbling and dissatisfied, it is because we have wandered from God.
The only way to be “more than a conqueror” is repentance and restoration to God.
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