
Re:Verse reading–Judges 6:1-2, 11-28, 36-40 (day six)

Really, what made Gideon mighty? Was it his extensive military training, or the way he held his sword…no wait, he didn’t have either of these things. Or maybe it was his keen ability to hide? How about his articulate, well-worded complaints about the absence of God? Those must have caught God’s attention. It was none of those things. Either God was being sarcastic or he has another definition entirely. I choose the latter.

By all accounts Gideon was a weak, inexperienced, reluctant farmer. He was not the ideal leader (he was no Samson), far from it. And yet God sees might in him. God saw the smallest amount of faith in Gideon; the size of a mustard seed. It was enough to make him mighty! God measures mightiness in units of faith, and the smallest amount goes a long way. How about you? Are you mighty by God’s standards?

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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