Re:Verse reading–Judges 6:1-2, 11-28, 36-40 (day four)
Gideon is the hero of our story this week, but he almost could have been eliminated before he got started. He was speaking face to face with the Angel of the Lord and Gideon wanted some proof that it was God who was really speaking to him. Once the Angel accepted the offering and caused it to be consumed with fire, Gideon realized (too late) that it really was God. Gideon feared for his life. Maybe Gideon did not consider that it might actually be God…maybe he didn’t consider what would happen to him if it was God he was speaking to. God was merciful and told Gideon he would not die.
Many today approach God the same way. They can never decide to believe in Him and yield their life to His control…they want more proof. Then…it is too late! When we stand before God in judgment, following death, it will be too late to recognize it really was Him. It will be too late for mercy. Today is the day for salvation…don’t put it off!
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