
Re:Verse reading–Judges 2:1-3, 6-22 (day five)

Josh McDowell has a well known quote on parenting.  “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion”. Perhaps the same concept applies to passing on faith in God. Maybe the young Israelite generation just saw rules (being followed) without relationship (vibrant faith being modeled and talked about by the older generation).  Result was spiritual rebellion.  See Judges 2:17.

Let’s think about our next generation:  Do they see a genuine and dynamic faith being lived out daily (joyful obedience) in the older generation?  Does our younger generation hear us talking about our experiences with God (past and present)?  (Have our children and teens heard our testimony?  Why not share it this week?). Do our children trust God to meet their needs and be worshipped above all else by what they sense and gather from being close to us on a regular basis (parents/leaders/mentors)?

The faith of the older generation needs to be seen, heard, AND sensed. All are ingredients that give great hope in passing along faith in God.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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