Re:Verse reading–Joshua 23; Joshua 24:14-15 (day one)
“Be strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses”–23:6
Joshua is an old man by this time. Some scholars say he is 110 years old! Long history with these people. He knew their fathers and grandfathers. The Exodus and the wilderness years. Years of conquest. He has seen it all.
As they begin to “get settled” in a new home, Joshua has some last words for them. Not NEW words. In fact, in his last address Joshua essentially tells them what God told him 30 years before. (Compare 23:6 with 1:6-7)
Pay attention to God’s word! Don’t alter it or water it down! Stay true! As you do, God will continue to provide His powerful help.
It is our message too, and, I believe, the reason FBCSA exists. “God blesses those who approach Him through His word”. Courage required. Blessing promised. Some things change. This never does.