Re: Verse reading–Joshua 3:5-17, 4:14-24 (day seven)
“Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’ “–3:5
The word in Hebrew is qadash (pronounced ka-dash’). It meant to set apart, to dedicate for a specific and high purpose, to make holy.
The day before the Jordan crossing, Joshua instructed the people of Israel to “qadash themselves’. Time taken to give themselves (again) to the Lord for His purposes. Moments spent in self-reflection, self-challenge, self-surrender.
Similar thought in Romans 12:1 “Given His mercies, (you) present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice.”
Do we? Joshua seems to expect it of his people. God will always be “all in” for people who are “all in” for Him. So, it isn’t optional. Will I GIVE MY LIFE to Him the way He has GIVEN HIS LIFE for me? Will I dedicate myself to His purposes?
“Take time to be holy” sings the old hymn. Yes. That.
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