Re:Verse reading–Joshua 2 (day seven)
Remember the day in John 4? People were streaming out of Samaria to meet/hear Jesus in response to the testimony of the “woman at the well”.
Remember what he said? “Behold. . .lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are WHITE for harvest”–v 35. It was a description of grain that was ripe and ready for harvest.
We do well to recapture Christ’s perspective on this subject. God, Himself, prepares people for conversion. He convicts the conscience. He draws people to Himself. MANY of them are ready! No need for us to convince, just to testify. It is His work, not ours. We discover it with awe.
The Ethiopian eunuch and Philip in Acts 8. The Samaritan woman and Jesus. Rahab and the spies in Joshua 2. Many stories. One truth. God is secretly at work preparing people for conversion.
Would you be a bolder witness if you could remember this truth?
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