He is going ahead of you.

Re: Verse reading–Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 (day seven)

“Come and SEE. . .go quickly and TELL. . .’He is going ahead of you into Galilee.’ “–v 7

When the women arrived to announce the news of the resurrection, it had a very practical feel.  “Pack your bags, everyone.”  “This train is leaving the station.”  That’s what the disciples heard.

The angel did more than announce that Christ was alive.  He declared that Jesus was their leader again!  The days ahead would be as filled with victory and discovery as the previous days had been.  How exciting!

Still true!  Jesus is AS alive THIS morning as He was THAT morning.  We, in our expectation and joy, should be like the disciples on that fear-shattering Sunday morning. Say it to yourself.  Out loud.  “He is going ahead of me.”  “He knows the way.”  “If I go to the next place, He will meet me there.”   It is what risen Saviors do for people who obey them.


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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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