Re: Verse reading–Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 (day five)
The women who went to the tomb were told, “do not fear”, and to “go and tell the His disciples” (Matthew 28:5, 7). They left in obedience. Don’t let this fact be ignored. They showed great courage and trust to obey the commands of the angel.
Yet, Matthew says they had fear (28:8). Why the fear? I believe the answer is found in their encounter with the Risen Jesus as they made their way back to the disciples. He again repeated the words of the Angel (Do not be afraid). But in this exchange, he changes a word. He uses the word “brothers” instead of “disciples”. Why? Could it be that the women were worried about what this meant (judgment, punishment, shame, guilt) for the disciples? Jesus extends His kindness to the women and to the disciples by calming their fears and proclaiming a word of assurance and love. He calls them His brothers.
Anyone need to be reminded of His kindness today?
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