Dying to Forgive

Re: Verse reading–Matthew 18:21-35 (day six) 

Forgiveness, whether we receive it or give it, springs from the infinite well of grace and mercy dug deep by the death and resurrection of the Son! If that is true, and it is, consider this. As Jesus is teaching his listeners about the nature of the Kingdom of God and forgiveness, he knows that the very basis of that reality hinges or is founded on his death and resurrection. The Father cannot forgive, nor can we, without the tragedy and joy of the Cross!

Our reluctance to forgive, or closeted resentment, is no small thing, it is a rejection of the Gospel, and reaps only separation from God and others. So perhaps, the most practical fruit that the Gospel produces in us is forgiveness!

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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