How Much was That?

Re: Verse reading–Matthew 18:21-35 (day five)

The goal for the ride back to Ft. Worth from Odessa, was to see how high I could count. As a little boy, my counting skills were just blossoming.   With dad’s help, I think I surpassed a million. (It was a longer ride for him than for me) Numbers and digits I had never dreamed of were written on my notepad.

When Jesus values the debt at “ten thousand talents”, He’s doing the same kind of thing. It was both the largest amount of currency and the largest numeral known to the Greeks. How much was that?   It was a “ginormous” amount.

I had a college professor who always said, “If you never know how lost you were, you’ll never know how saved you are”. It’s same principle Jesus was teaching. “If you never know how much in debt you were, you’ll never know how forgiven you really are”.

Psalm 130: If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “How Much was That?”

  1. If you never know how lost you were, you’ll never know how saved you are!
    Great reminder. Thanks, scott!

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