Re: Verse reading–Matthew 6:19-34 (day six)
There is a lot to say about Jesus’ teaching about money, possessions, and the Kingdom of God, and all of it becomes real personal real fast. I’m not going to talk about any of that. Phew, right?! What I would like to say is this: Jesus is far more interested in restoration than judgement. The entire Sermon on the Mount is a beautifully rich invitation into the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:19-34, Jesus’ teaching on money, is no different. Jesus invites us to a little self-evaluation, and then says, “wouldn’t you rather live for the Kingdom of God?”
So, relax Jesus is not trying to clobber you, he is hoping to restore you! So, practice a little Holy Spirit-led self-evaluation, and ask for the grace to “seek first the Kingdom of God.”
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