Re:Verse reading–Romans 14:1-21 (day five)
We’ve heard it said thousands of times, “The Christian life is not an ‘individual sport’ but rather a ‘team sport’ “. We are called and commanded to live in community, accountability, and fellowship with other believers. These relationships and friendships can be challenging to say the least. There must be mutual respect, discernment, and sacrifice from each believer for these relationships to reflect the love, grace, and power of God. Whether the image of “church body” or “church family” is used, there remains the sense of commitment, connection, and concern for each other. We must be intentional and deliberate in the way we approach and relate to one another. Look at verse 19, “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.”
So, a couple of questions to consider: How aware are we of our influence in relationships with and responsibility for one another? Would the growth and maturity of another believer be enough motivation to practice patience, gentleness, and sacrifice?
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