Re:Verse passage: Romans 12 (day seven)
“Fervent is Spirit, serving the Lord”–v 11.
Can you name something that is useless or unappetizing when cold? A campfire? Spaghetti? A church? Less about temperature. More about intensity. “Fervent in Spirit” describes a believer “on fire”. Emitting light and warmth, spending himself (being consumed) in service, igniting others.
Did Paul already know Christians who had lost enthusiasm? Probably. Jesus warned of it. “Because lawlessness is increased most people’s love will grow cold.”—Matthew 24:12. Love and Law are connected. Apart from courageous obedience, their relationship suffered. Passionate, fervent, love for Christ disappeared. Brrrr!
Honest now, are there signs of a temperature drop in your life? Is there intensity? Courage? Are others ignited by your witness and example?
“For this reason, I remind you to FAN INTO FLAME the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”–2 Timothy 1:6 What will you do, today, to keep the fire going?
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