Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:1-17 (day four)
Everyone…rich or poor, male or female, regardless of race or creed…everyone is born into the law of sin and death. The law states that all have sinned. Then the law states that the wages or due penalty of sin is death. Left to ourselves, we cannot avoid eternal death. Our passage in Romans 8 though gives hope. Verse 2 says “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” Our passage identifies a whole list of outcomes that result from the law of flesh vs. the law of the Spirit…antonyms that result from the source of our allegiance. If we are living according to the flesh, we reap sin and death, condemnation, curses, and we are hostile to God. If we are living according to the Spirit, we reap blessing, we are Spirit-led, we are sons of God, we are free from the law, and we have life and peace. Why would we ever choose to follow the flesh rather than the Spirit?
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