Shall we go on sinning?

Re: Verse reading–Romans 6 (day seven)

“Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” v 1.  Maybe no one actually says it.  Usually more of an unconscious thought, a false conclusion.  “If salvation is by grace alone, then sin is not such a big deal.”  “Why worry?” “No one is perfect!”  “God will forgive me no matter what.”  “I should just accept my brokenness and rejoice in His full forgiveness.”   “Right?”

Wrong!  Paul addresses this issue head on by teaching the real union of believer and Savior.  “We were baptized into Christ.” v 3.  Joined.  Made one.  Our debt becomes His.  His victory becomes ours.

Who would misuse the privilege of salvation by allowing sin to be unrepented and unconfessed?  Only a false-hearted person!  Only the one who would like to share the BENEFIT of union with Christ (forgiveness) but not the PURPOSE. (new life)

Q–Shall we go on sinning?  A–No!  We are one with Christ!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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