We’re Not Worthy

Re:Verse reading–Romans 5:1-11 (day two) …how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! vs. 10

We’re not worthy. Really bad movie quote from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, but the sentiment is accurate. This is especially true when you consider the first part of that verse. “For if, when we were God’s ENEMIES, we were reconciled to him through the death of his son,”.

It is sobering to think that we will not be worthy of our own power, but it is also freeing. There is no class system in this kind of government. This kind of justice levels the playing field for everyone. The “earning” of salvation has already been taken care of by Christ on the cross. Our call is to live under that authority. Everything that follows is an opportunity to show how God continues to work through our unworthiness.

Are you trying to prove how good you are? What if you’re not, but God is? What if, rather, you openly and continually gave thanks to God for loving you in spite of your brokenness. He loved you first, might as well meet him on his terms.


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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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