Re:Verse reading–Romans 3:21-31 (day one)
“There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”–v 23. Remember the old Randy Newman song? “Short people got no reason to live” sings the catchy melody. He (Randy) says it was about prejudice. “Short people are the same as you and I”, sings a later verse.
Paul says that all of us are short people. From God’s perspective. From the vantage point of what we were made to be. We have fallen short. Way short.
Humans do NOT achieve God’s lofty dream–not individually, not collectively. HIS glory is not even our ambition. “They did not honor Him nor did they give Him thanks.” Trashed the environment. Blamed others. Served self.
“The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”–Genesis 6:6
Consider His great mercy in sending His Son! We fell short. He stood tall.
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