Is good good enough?

Re:Verse reading–Romans 2:1-29 (day seven)

“A man is a Jew if he is one inwardly. . .by the Spirit.”–v 29.  In Romans 1, Paul declares the wrath of God against those who REJECT Him.  Pagans/Gentiles.  Jewish listeners said “Amen” to the first part.  In Roman 2, Paul declares the wrath of God against those who try to satisfy Him with RELIGION.

Surprised?  Being good is not good enough.  God’s demand is not that we go to church or read our Bibles or try to be inclusive.  No.  God’s demand (something known only by revelation) is that we, “by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality”–v 7.

But, who does that?  Do you know ANYONE who steadily, courageously, at all times, in all circumstances seeks God’s will?  As the Bible says, we fall short of God’s glory.  Way short.

So, God provides a way.  A new life, Spirit-born.  It is the ONLY thing that is enough. Being good just isn’t.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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