Without Expectation

Re: Verse reading–Luke 6:27-36, Romans 12:17-21 (day two)

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great.” – Luke 6:35

Giving without expectation of return; this is an exercise that can only come in the light of Christ’s love. Not only did Jesus willingly sacrifice himself for our ability to taste eternal joy, he did so knowing that we could never possibly repay that debt. We aren’t capable. If we could repay what he did, then it nullifies the cross (Galations 2:21).

In this light can you forgive without receiving forgiveness from another? Can you love when you get nothing back? Will you help, when there is no way the other could ever help you? It’s a step to understanding and loving our savior more.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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