Re: Verse reading–Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 1 Samuel 20:1-17, 27-42 (day seven)
“And Jonathan. . .loved him [David] as he loved himself.”–1 Samuel 20:17. TRUTH–Life is to be fortified with many friendships. TRUTH–“There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother”(Proverbs 18:24) TRUTH–Friendship has the potential of being the highest form of love. (John 15:12-15) TRUTH–Sin isolates. The Enemy whispers that I am enough in myself, that I do not need others, that being with “them” is a waste. TRUTH–The Spirit of God brings people together in unity and mutual agreement. TRUTH–solitary confinement is a form of punishment in almost every society, a universally recognized reality. TRUTH–ability to make and keep friends is the strongest predictor of success in every field of endeavor. TRUTH–God is very concerned about my friendships and very clear about His expectations of me on this subject. It is not “my private business”. TRUTH—We will meet together to think/believe/repent/change on this subject today at FBCSA. TRUTH–We can do this! Our Friend will help us.
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