See That!! Do That!!

Re: Verse reading–Ephesians 5:21-33 (day five)  Confession:  I am a visual processor.  Seeing a mock-up or writing down the problem and possible solutions, helps me make better decisions and commitments.  Sometimes actually moving the picture or furniture is the only way for me to understand what the room could look like.  Asking questions like “How will this look?” and “How can this work?” leads me to sketch, build charts, and fill white boards with endless possibilities.  If I can see it, then I can process better and quicker.

When Paul unpacks his teaching on marriage, he communicates deep theological and emotional truths and insights.  Very complicated.  But he also includes pictures and examples.  How awesome is that!?  Did you catch them?  For husbands:  Look and observe how Jesus loved (loves) the church.  For wives:  Watch and notice how the church is subject (submits) to Christ.  The scriptures give a clear and recognizable pattern and model!!

Marriage- How can this work? How will this look?  Answers:  See that!!  Do that!!




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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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