Re: Verse reading–Ephesians 5:21-33 (day one)
“This is a profound mystery–but I am talking about Christ and the church.”–v 32.
No. The mystery of marriage is not how to get your husband to talk when he comes home from work. It is not what to get your wife for anniversary. The mystery of marriage is a secret truth ( something that none of us could have seen without the revelation of God) that marriage is shaped after an eternal reality–the love that Christ has for His church. When God created marriage–one man, one woman together for life in mutual submission to each other–His purpose and plan was to hint at an eternal love story. Only with this upward reference can marriage be what God intended. Only as we understand HOLY matrimony is the Lord pleased to bless and protect. Marriage was never about my happiness, never something that we were free to redefine for our own purpose. Marriage points to Christ.
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