Re: Verse reading–Exodus 39:32, 42-43; 40:1-2, 16-17,32-38 (day seven–last day in our study of Exodus)
“If the cloud did not lift, they did not set out.”–40:36.
Years ago, I learned the spiritual principle. Stay where God puts you until He puts you somewhere else. It has been a great safeguard. Against restlessness, against dissatisfaction, against “looking for another job” when the one I had was hard or disappointing. The Spirit has a different message. Stay where you are! Learn the lesson of this place! Don’t run! Don’t blame! Change! Endure! Serve! Never be LURED away from your present assignment by promises that life will be better or more fair or more fun. Move only when you are LED by the Lord. “Is life so wretched? Isn’t it rather your hands are too small, your vision which is muddled? You are the one who must grow up.”–Dag Hammarskjold. When the cloud moves, we are free to do so. Until then, we are to stay and serve and grow.
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