Re: Verse reading–Exodus 21:1-2, 7-17, 22-27; 22:21-31; 23:1-12 (day two)
We are a nation of laws. We believe and affirm them as guides to a civil society. Most organizations from the largest corporations to the smallest club have some type of regulations, rules, or laws that people are expected to follow if they want the rights and privileges that come from belonging to that organization. Although much of the language and spirit of the laws we are reading about today refer to a culture that is no longer around, they do inform us that God understands our bent to structure. We need guidelines and parameters to function well. In order to know where we can go, we must also know where we cannot. Beyond the do’s and don’ts how can obeying the laws of the land, and more importantly God’s laws bring honor to him? Law need not be a burden, but an opportunity to show obedience and commitment to our calling.
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