Re: Verse reading–Exodus 21:1-2, 7-17, 22-27; 22:21-31; 23:1-12 (day one)
It is an important point. God gave the people of Israel three different kinds of law. Moral law–the Ten Commandments. Written on stone to symbolize their permanence. For all people, at all times. Civil law–laws for the national life of Israel. Not permanent or universal. See Acts 10-11 as God convinces Peter to set aside “kosher” law. Ceremonial law–guidance for the religious life of Israel. Feasts and fasts and ceremonies. No longer binding on Christians, but rich in symbolism and instruction. Fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Our RE Verse reading this week deals with civil and ceremonial laws. Are Christians under these? No! Is the Moral law still a permanent revelation of God’s will for us (achieved now by the Spirit)? Yes! “Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke of the Law shall pass away, until all is accomplished.”–Jesus (Matthew 5:18) Followers of Christ benefit from reading and reflecting on the Law.
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