
Re: Verse reading–Exodus 12:1-14, 24-27, 13:8-9 (day one)
When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”–12:13.

As The Great Artist, God drew this event into Israel’s history.  It pointed to Christ.  His death.  The first participants, however, did not understand the future meaning.  What they knew, that night as they sat huddled in their homes and heard the cries of a thousand Egyptian families mourning the death of a son in every house, was that THEY were safe. Not by their own merit, but by the death of an innocent substitute, a lamb. It was an unforgettable lesson!  A debt paid.  A death suffered.  For them.  By an innocent.  Years later Israel would understand.  John the Baptist would declare of Christ, “The LAMB OF GOD who takes away (both as to guilt and as to power) the sin of the world”–John 1:29.  All that we have with God we owe to Christ, our substitute.  We are “redeemed. . .with precious blood”–1 Peter 11:18-19

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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