Loyalty like His

Re: Verse reading–John 15:1-17 (day one) 
“Abide in me as I abide in you”–v 4.  It is a two-sided loyalty.  He abides in us.  Never leaves.  Never abandons out of frustration from our doubts and resistance.  He stays.  He abides.  And He commands a similar loyalty from us.  We are to abide, remain, stay in Him.  In season and out.  When it is fun and when it isn’t. The result will be fruit and glory (see v 8).  When the people of God stay with step with God, in union with Him the “Vine and Branch team” proves unbeatable.  Is it possible for fickle hearts such as ours to do so?  Apparently Jesus thought so.  Everything else is just a sinful excuse or a stubborn refusal to answer love with love, loyalty with loyalty. “Whenever the cloud was lifted from over the tent. . .the sons of Israel would then set out”–Numbers 9:17.  If he promises to stay with you, what do you promise?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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