Reconciled by the Cross

Re: Verse reading – Ephesians 2:11-22 (day four)  What was it that separated Israel from the Gentiles?  What was the barrier of the dividing wall (v. 14)?  What was the enmity between them?  Verse 15 says it is the Law of commandments.  Moses received the law following the exodus and preceding entry into the promise land.  It was the Law that established Israel as the people of God.  What was it that reconciled the two groups and put to death the enmity?  Verse 16 says it was the cross…Christ’s death on the cross removed the barriers and made available to both Jew and Gentile access in one Spirit to the Father.  In this scenario, we have the old covenant giving way to the new covenant.  One more question…what was the most important characteristic of the new covenant believers?  It was love.  Read ahead to Revelation 2 to see if the church at Ephesus maintained that characteristic.  How about you?

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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