Powerful Worship

Re: Verse reading–Isaiah 6:1-8; Revelation 4:1-11 (day two)
When confronted with the majesty of worship that surrounded the throne, Isaiah was shaken to his core. The beauty of the scene made him very aware of how small and inadequate he was. This, however, did not end his worship experience. It called him to repent…and then to serve. When was the last time worship caused you to have this kind of reaction? When we meet together do you enter that gathering with an expectation to be filled? Before Isaiah could be sent out he had to first recognize his frailty. That kind of vulnerability is difficult to encounter without at least a modicum of willingness to acknowledge God’s sovereignty. What do you expect worship to be like? Is it up to the Pastors? I want to challenge each of you to come into worship with an expectation that God will move, call us to repent, and send us out to do his good work. Let’s meet him together.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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