God is patient

Re: Verse reading – Psalm 103, Luke 17:11-19 (day six) 
“Go show yourselves to the priests.” (Luke 17:14)
God is patient.  Thank God!  Those of us who fail Him need this good news.  The 10 Leper story proves the point.  Even after months of Jewish resistance, Jesus is STILL SEEKING for ways to communicate His message in ways that Jews could understand and accept.  He is bending over backwards.  In compliance with Leviticus 14:1-32, Jesus sends the soon-to-be-healed men to the priests whose assignment was to certify actual cases of healing.  Jesus hoped the priests would see the miracle and tell the story.  It was not to be.  Neither the Jewish lepers nor the Jewish nation were willing to imagine a God different from their prejudices.  Strange, noted Jesus, that the Samaritan who had no training or history with scripture was more responsive to truth than those who had “grown up with it”.  Sad. Sometimes to have truth too long is to take it for granted.  Us?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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