Re: Verse reading–Deuteronomy 8:10-18; Matthew 25:14-30 (day two)
Recently I read an article of a former classmate of mine who has just been named to a highly esteemed position in the early music world in New York City. I was delighted to hear of his success, but then the inner voices began; you know the ones. He’s younger than you…this will bring him fame, and fortune…look at all his success. It is so easy to covet and lose sight of what God has done for each of us. As I reread the Parable of the Talents, I was quickly reminded to make the most of what God had given to me. God’s measure of success is vastly different from mine, and it would be folly to think that I know how to better use my gifts than the Lord. God has uniquely blessed each of us, and we are to find a way to cultivate it, so there will be a great return on His investment.
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Just the other day my husband, Tom, and I were saying how we think you are doing such an amazing job in your position. I think you are using your talents wonderfully to honor your great God.
Nancy Myers