RE Verse reading–Mark 10:35-45; John 13:12-17; James 2:14-17 (day six) “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14) Washing feet was stinky business. Unpleasant and thankless. The work of slaves. A symbol for all ego-insulting and necessary tasks. When the King of Glory knelt to do this work, He created a crisis in the heart of every follower. Do I deny MYSELF ( my protests and desires for recognition and pleasure) or do I deny MY MASTER? Both in example and instruction Jesus commanded the path of humility and service–make the apology, accept the assignment, deny yourself, meet the need even at the cost of great discomfort. Jesus warned us not to attempt a life of higher privilege and ego-safety than He allowed Himself. He even promised a blessing to those who follow Him example. What prevents our obedience? What hard thing will you do today because you are a follower of Jesus?
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