Re: Verse reading–Mark 10:35-45; John 13:12-17; James 2:14-17 (day two)
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.
My first HS job in Texas was at O’Connor High School here in San Antonio. The head band director and Fine Arts Chairman was Wally Dierolf. Most of you know that 5A band directors rank almost equal to 5A football coaches; it is a lofty position at the school. Even though he had 400+ students and the largest program in the district, every day at lunch he would take brown paper bag and sit on the floor at the front of the “M” building to make sure no one entered the building during those lunch periods that wasn’t supposed to be there. He could have easily requested another duty, and frankly could have requested to not have one at all. He did this lunch duty so that the rest of the fine arts teachers could have a break. He worked so we could rest. He sacrificed so that we could do our jobs better.
He was a tremendous band director, but I will never forget the lessons of servant leadership that he learned from Jesus and taught to me.
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He always called bodies “earth suits” lol he was an awesome teacher
So sad to hear of his passing. My father always spoke highly of Wally. Ed Solomon was a well known music educator in NE San Antonio. I knew Wally’s little sister and would love to reconnect if possible…