Re: Verse reading – 1 Samuel 15:1-35 (day seven)
” ‘But I did obey the Lord,’ Saul said.” (v 20) I have been thinking this week of Abraham, how FULLY he obeyed God. Even to the point of sacrificing his own son. See Genesis 22. I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been, but need to do so because obedience to God doesn’t allow me to “lean on my own understanding” and omit the rest. I have Saul’ heart. (Apart from the grace of God his heart is ALL that I would have.) My tendency is to propose a new definition for obedience. Doing “mostly” what God requires and rationalizing the rest, being self-deceived that partial obedience is enough. That’s what I do. What Saul did. It does not work. Ever. What God wants, requires, deserves is the full surrender of my will, a deep change in my heart. I suspect Saul looked back with regret. Unless I take different steps, I will too.
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