RE Verse reading–Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:3-13 (day seven)
“They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching . . . the believers were together and had everything in common.” (Acts 2:42, 44) “An UNCOMMON love for God’s word and an ability to teach it.” That’s how the profile describes the Associate Pastor for Young Marrieds at FBCSA. It is a quality the search team is looking/praying for as the Lord leads us in this interview process. Ironic, isn’t it? Our scripture this week indicates that the will of Christ is for such a love to be VERY COMMON among the people of God. Koinos is Greek for “common”. Koinoinia is Greek for those who “share life together, love the same thing, bear the same burden.” Is this uncommon in a selfish and “me-centered” world? Perhaps, but not for those who have experienced the power of Pentecost! I am looking forward to being with you in worship today. May the Lord us uncommon people in His normal way.