Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:3-13 (day four) We are one body in Christ…the church. Our scripture tells us that each of us has gifts, given to us by the grace of God. It also tells us that we are to use our gifts…to exercise them in the body. What is your gift or gifts? Are you using them for the good of the body? For the church to function to its full potential, each member must be at work. Working in the church is not an option. God places each member in the body to fulfill a specific task or tasks. Prophecy…service… teaching…exhorting… giving…leading…showing mercy…each of us must find our place to serve. Our scripture also tells us that our attitude when we serve is important. Love without hypocrisy, abhorrence of evil, brotherly love, honor, diligence, hope, perseverance, generosity, and prayerfulness…the Christian life is never static. It is always active. There is no retirement from serving the Lord or His church.
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