Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:3-13 (day one)
“For he’s a jolly good fellow (repeat twice more), that nobody can deny.” It is a song we sing to recognize friendship. More than friendship, fellowship. Fellow comes from the same root word as follow. To follow the same commander (in the military sense), or the same Lord (in a religious sense) is to become a fellow to other members of your unit or church. Not something that happens automatically. Effort is involved. “They DEVOTED themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship.” (Acts 2:42) Probably means that they were careful to include, to learn names, to spend time together, to listen, to forgive, to “do life together”. Friendships require time and effort. Fellowship even more. Maybe we should add a song to our hymnal. It would remind us of this gift from God, this proof of the Spirit’s presence. “For he’s a jolly good fellow. . .” I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
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