If my people will humble themselves. . .

Re: Verse reading–2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 13-15; Matthew 6:16-18; Acts 13:1-3 (day six)
“Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah.”  (2 Chronicles 20:3)  The human heart is naturally proud.  Self-centered.  No instruction required.  Big problem with God!  Intimacy with Him (and help from Him) requires a “pride-ectomy”.  Fasting can be helpful.  Self-denial from a meal or a pleasure can be a strong signal to the human ego that someone/something of higher priority is present.  Fasting temporarily puts human desires and demands below the pursuit of God on the ladder of priority.  It humbles the constant craving and ceaseless demanding that so often shouts its way into soul control.  The squeaky wheel . . .  “If my people will humble themselves” is a familiar line of Scripture.  What is often lacking is the practical  understanding of the path toward this beneficial goal. Fasting may be a helpful place to start.  How could you, today, say “no” to yourself in pursuit of God?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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