Re: Verse reading–Psalm 119:9-16; Acts 17:10-12; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (day one)
44 summers ago. I was 17 years old. A believer for only a few months, I was on a retreat with the Campus Crusade for Christ group through whom I had first heard the invitation of grace. The retreat center had a book table. “See that Bible?” my friend said. “Buy it and begin reading it every day.” I did, and all these years later I look back with wonder at the life-changing power of that simple turning point. My experience has been like Ezekiel’s. “Son of man. . . eat this scroll. . . I ate it, and it was sweet as honey in my mouth.” (Ezekiel 3:1,3) Again and again, I have found in Scripture the wisdom, challenge, conviction and hope of an Eternal mind. Today we begin a summer series of studies on spiritual disciplines. My heart rejoices that the first discipline is Bible study. Ancient path. Way of freedom. Searching the Scripture, together. Sweet!
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