Lessons from Babylon to Holy Week

Re: Verse reading – Jeremiah 21:1-10, 38:1-6 (day five)

We see a couple of similarities as we compare the narrative in Jeremiah and the recounts of Holy Week in the Gospels.  Absence of Leadership (A leader who cowers down to the wishes/demands of the passionate crowd people instead of standing strong and making an unpopular decision (Zedikiah/Pilate).  True Picture of Following God (The Lord’s provision and plan calls for submission and surrender (Chaldeans/Cross).

The call to live a life that evidences grace, truth, strength, integrity, and love (2 Timothy 2:22-25) is still what the Lord would desire of all His followers.  It also is worth remembering Jesus always believed the Christian life would involve to some degree:  pain, difficulty, and humility (Luke 9:23).


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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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