God’s welfare program

Re: Verse reading – Jeremiah 29:1-14 (day six)
“Build houses. . .plant gardens. . .take wives and become fathers. . .pray to the Lord (for the city). . .for I know the plans that I have for you, plans for (your) welfare.”  (v 5-7, 11)  We tend, I fear, to separate God’s ultimate plan for our good from the intermediate steps.  God has a plan for our welfare.  Hurray!  It is, however, a bit more demanding than we sometimes imagine.  His plan includes industry.  Building houses and families.  Planting gardens.  As the people of Judah did this work, God promised to bless and protect them.  His welfare program also includes industry of a spiritual kind.  Prayer for their captors.  Patience.  Carefully cultivated hope.  Seeking God with whole hearts. (v 12)  Who knew?  God’s welfare program assumes as a condition the presence of ACTIVE FAITH.   Belief in God is not an excuse for inaction.  It is our motivation for active obedience and our assurance of His help when we do.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “God’s welfare program”

  1. may are the times i want to known God’s way for my life, may are the time i do not understand life itself and the purpose.

  2. many are the times i want to known God’s way for my life, many are the time i do not understand life itself and the purpose.

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