Re: Verse reading – Jeremiah 7:1-16 (day seven)
“Stand at the gate of the Lord’s house and there proclaim this message.” (v 2) Early in my years as a minister, I was too timid. For fear of offending (or of being rejected) I spoke softly, rarely taking the risks necessary to be noticed and heard. Probably a common “young” mistake. Maybe the reason that God instructed Jeremiah to “stand in the gate of the Lord’s house”. Three gates lead from the Court of the Gentiles into the Holy Place. To climb those stairs and turn back to face the people in that courtyard would have placed Jeremiah up high and visible to thousands. Paul had similar words for his young preacher-boy, Timothy. “Let no one look down on you because you are young, but in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself!” (1 Timothy 4:12) “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus, you soldiers of the cross” says the old song. Encouragement you need?
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