Re: Verse reading – Luke 24:13-35 (day six)
Not rare, I suppose. Many people find themselves in a place like the Emmaus road disciples. “We were hoping (past tense) that He was going to redeem Israel” (v 21) Been there? Know someone who is? Tried faith. Tried prayer. Sincerely hoped to find power and help. AWOL now. Disappointed. The problem (for them and for us) is that we do not believe the Scripture. “Was it not NECESSARY for the Christ to SUFFER these things and to enter into His glory?” (v 26) None of the prophets predicted an easy or quick solution to the problems of this planet. If we cherish such ideas, it is because we did not listen to them. Christ faced days that were painful and long and unfair. We will too. The glory that follows is worth every sacrifice, but nothing exempts us from the price. Many who give up hope, never had Biblical hope in the first place.
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